What is go func() {}() and Channel in Go language?

What is go func() {}() and Channel in Go language?

Executes a function using a go statement, which executes a lightweight thread called goroutine.

package main

import (

func main() {
  go func() {
  time.Sleep(time.Second) // If I don't sleep, MAIN will exit before the GO statement.

What is Channel?

Functions using the go statement are threaded and therefore disappear without execution when main finishes.

By using a messaging called Channel, variables can be sent and received between goroutines.

This Channel can be used for synchronous processing between threads.

The usage of Channel is simple: send is channel<-value and receive is <-channel.

package main

import "log"

func main() {
  fin := make(chan int) // Channel is a reference type, so make() creates an instance
  go func() {
    fin <- 0 // Send Message
  log.Println(<-fin) // Block until message received here.

Go 言語のgo func() {}()とChannelとは


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