List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

When developing Java with VSCode, the shortcut keys are different from Eclipse and STS, so I did some research.

Organization of imports (Ctrl + Shift + o)

Since I was developing Java with Vi, I was very surprised at the organization of imports when the convenient environment of Eclipse came out.

In VSCode, you can use “Ctrl + .” to organize imports.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

Added on 2021/05/30

With the following settings, I was able to organize imports using alt + shift + o.


  "java.saveActions.organizeImports": true

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode


You often refer to Java class definitions created by other engineers.

With VSCode, you can open the class definition with F12.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

Open call hierarchy(Ctrl + Alt + h)

The call hierarchy is another frequently used shortcut key. It is a convenient shortcut key that shows at a glance where this method is used.

In VSCode, it is Shift + F12.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

open a mold(Ctrl + Shift + t)

I often use this function when I have a lot of files.

In VSCode, it is Ctrl + p.

It is a little-known feature, but in Java class names (Pascal case), it is possible to search only by upper-case letters.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

Adding unimplemented methods

There is no shortcut key for this, but when the interface is implemented in Eclipse, the GUI will show “Add unimplemented method”.

In VSCode, Ctrl + . to achieve the same thing.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

Open type hierarchy(F4)

I often use F4 or Ctrl + t when I want to find a class that implements an interface.

In VSCode, you can use Shift + Alt + F12 to browse.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode



  "java.dependency.packagePresentation": "hierarchical"

The display of “JAVA PROJECTS” will change.

It is the same as Eclipse.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

  "java.dependency.syncWithFolderExplorer": true

If true, specifies whether the folder should be synchronized with JAVA PROJECTS when files are referenced. Normally true is fine.


  "java.configuration.updateBuildConfiguration": "automatic"

You can specify either “interactive” or “automatic.” If you specify “interactive,” you will see the following message every time you specify the build.gradle file.

List of shortcut keys for Java development in VSCode

Reference Site

GitHub - microsoft/vscode-java-dependency: Manage Java projects in Visual Studio Code.
Manage Java projects in Visual Studio Code. Contribute to microsoft/vscode-java-dependency development by creating an ac...


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